
  • Code Coverage - a metric not a goal

    In this post I want to talk about how to use code coverage to get the most out of it. Also, and perhaps more important, what code coverage can’t help you with and how it can be abused.

  • Refactoring Spring @ModelAttribute Method With Java 8

    ModelAttribute methods in Spring controllers that obtain database data using path variables can be ugly in Spring 3/4. In this post I demonstrate how to make your ModelAttribute methods more succinct and readable using Java 8 Optional and lambdas.
  • Diving into Data Science Part 1

    First part of what I hope to be a series of posts detailing my exploration of Data Science. This part covers what data I have chosen to analyze and how I used Web Scraping to obtain it.
  • Converting to Safari Book Online

    For a couple of months now, I have been using Safari Book Online as my main source of learning material. Since I am very happy with the service so far, I thought I would write up my experience.

  • Scanning the file system with Node.js and MongoDB

    At some point you may come across a situation where you would like to scan a file system / file directory or multiple storage locations. This might for a variety of reasons such as which directory holds the most files? Do you have any duplicated files, Which directory contains the most data?
  • Combining Jasper reports in a Spring controller

    I have come across a scenario where I was required to combine multiple instances of the same Jasper report into a single pdf file. So here is a Spring controller that demonstrates this. I have also included a method for printing a single report as well so you can see the difference.
  • Accessing java properties outside spring beans

    This is a kind of follow up from my previous post. In which I describe an example implementation of a Hibernate MultiTenantConnectionProvider and CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver. Later after writing I thought it would better to abstract the database configuration in these two files into a .properties file - so that the properties can be reused in other areas of the application such as when authenicating a user.

  • Hibernate Multi Tenancy with Spring

    When creating a Multi-Tenant application there are three different strategies which are available to a development team. This post will demonstrate a possible implementation of the separate database approach.

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